Friday, September 15, 2017

..."I would like to learn how to provide good care for my daughter..."

Ms. Sman Chheang and her husband are farmers, growing rice and cassava. They also do occasional labor jobs on farms and in carpentry. She attended 7 grades of school, can read and write in Khmer, Cambodian national language. In her village she is considered well educated, as many of her neighbors cannot read and write. She shares, why she is happy about ADRA working in her village:
“I am happy about ADRA coming to our village. I would like to learn how to provide good care for my daughter and get some more knowledge on how to plant vegetables. We have a health worker in our village, but we all need to know more about health and better nutrition.
This morning I already learned more about resources and capacities in our village, through the resource map exercise, which we done together with ADRA team.
Thanks to ADRA, I am now will be able to have better income through my farming and be able to provide a good care for my family. It is expensive to buy school materials and books for school. I hope, that project will help our family to have a better income. It will help us not only have good meals, but also provide education and school equipment for our daughter!”

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