Health and Nutrition

Oddar Meanchey is one of the provinces of Cambodia with the highest incidence of malnourishment. It is second after Preach Vihear Province. Approximately 20% of the children are malnourished. Among the pressing issues is nutrition and sanitation. There is reported incidence of diarrhea especially among children in the potential site. Malnutrition was reportedly prevalent. UNICEF and MTI has provided supplementary feeding with porridge in some target schools to address the malnourishment issues but focusing on few schools only. They fortified the porridge with vitamins. The Health Centers also provided vitamins to some mothers but cover only few villages - mostly near the District town.  The level of the household’s access to proteins is generally limited.  Among the reasons mentioned are the fluctuating prices of commodities and the poor road conditions. There is a low level of nutritional health practices for young children and mothers as most of them are farmers. The mothers have to leave their children to caregivers (usually their mothers) to go for work or tend their farms. The limited skills of the parents and grandmothers to provide nutritious food to the children causing the children’s malnourishment.

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