Food Supply and Agriculture

Oddar Meanchey is second in terms of malnutrition problems, accordingly second to Preach Vihear. Malnutrition is still high in the remote villages because most of NGOs only work around the District particularly in the target villages. The main diets of the community are Prahok and smoked fish. The households mostly depend on fish that are caught from the creek during the rainy season. Most of the people depend on rice for food. However, only very few households (about 20%) have home gardens. Food security and nutrition is still an issue affecting approximately 12,400 households. Locally-grown vegetables and cash crops in the District are not enough to supply the consumption needs of the local people. About 60% are imported from adjoining provinces and Districts. Water supply for irrigation is also one of the main constraints in agricultural production. The introduction of home gardens and other backyard raising activities is very important component of the project in combating malnutrition in the target site. Aside from the problem of food supply, most of the families in the remote villages have limited awareness of the nutritious food. In Trapeang Prasat Commune, the people in the 9 remote villages generally sourced their protein from the wildlife and fish caught from the creeks. The prices of livestock often fluctuate depending on the abundance of substitute proteins (e.g. fish). The food diet of the community depends on what is available. 

The children have limited consumption of proteins at home since most parents are not very conscious of the balanced nutrition.  The limited consumption of protein is more pronounced in the remote villages or those areas that have limited access to the market. Only the educated people are concerned of their diets.  Most of the agricultural supplies produced by the farmers are for the home consumption.

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