Friday, September 15, 2017

...“I would like to support my community..."

Since 10 years Ms. Pat Rin is a health worker in the Tom Nub Ahpivoat village. She has been trained to diagnose and provide basic treatment for malaria. Sometimes people from the village coming to her in very bad health conditions, since Health Center is 3 hours away and other emergency services are not available.
 She is also a volunteer of her village health support group. Her husband is a soldier. He spends a lot of time outside of the village. Her husband would like them to have more children, but Ms. Pat Rin would like to first work and be able to contribute to development of their village.
When ADRA started a project in Tom Nub Ahpivoat, Ms. Pat Rin was very enthusiastic about being able to be part of the project activities as a Reflect Circle Facilitator. She is sharing, why she is looking forward to continue working with ADRA:
“I would like to support my community. My husband is a soldier and is away a lot. I would like to contribute my time working with people. I just got an orientation session from ADRA and was interested to learn about resources in our village. I would like to learn how to plan vegetables with less chemicals, using natural fertilizers and how to take care for chickens, so our village have a lot of livestock.

Our mean are often leaving to work outside the village to sell labor. Often they cross Thai border and do illegal wood-cutting. I am happy to have ADRA project here, since it will help us to have more income sources within the village. It will help many men to stay and look after their families."

..."I would like to learn how to provide good care for my daughter..."

Ms. Sman Chheang and her husband are farmers, growing rice and cassava. They also do occasional labor jobs on farms and in carpentry. She attended 7 grades of school, can read and write in Khmer, Cambodian national language. In her village she is considered well educated, as many of her neighbors cannot read and write. She shares, why she is happy about ADRA working in her village:
“I am happy about ADRA coming to our village. I would like to learn how to provide good care for my daughter and get some more knowledge on how to plant vegetables. We have a health worker in our village, but we all need to know more about health and better nutrition.
This morning I already learned more about resources and capacities in our village, through the resource map exercise, which we done together with ADRA team.
Thanks to ADRA, I am now will be able to have better income through my farming and be able to provide a good care for my family. It is expensive to buy school materials and books for school. I hope, that project will help our family to have a better income. It will help us not only have good meals, but also provide education and school equipment for our daughter!”

..."I am happy that ADRA is working in our village...!"

Ms. Meas Sreymom is a Reflect circle facilitator for nutrition and health project of ADRA in​Trapeang Prasat commune. She just recently joined the team and participated in 2 meetings. In couple of days she will join project team on a training, where she will learn, how she can share information about health, nutrition, agriculture and hygiene with women and children in her village.
“Me and my husband are farm laborers. Sometimes my husband cuts wood for sale. Sometimes I bake traditional cakes and my husband sells them. Majority of our land is in the forest, and we cannot plant a lot there. Our income in not enough to look after our family.
I got to know ADRA, when they came to the village few days ago to tell us about the project, that will take place in our village. I always wanted to contribute to development of my village and thought it would be a good time. I became a Reflect Circle Facilitator for my village. I will help the women and children to follow the program and will lead them through the topics on health, nutrition, agriculture and hygiene.
Our village needs a lot of support. The priority needs are safe water for drinking and agriculture, knowledge about nutrition and hygiene. It will help us to improve health of our children.
People in our village are poor. Only 30-40% have toilet, we also have not enough knowledge about good eating practices. It affects our young generation.
I am happy that ADRA is working in our village. Now we will be able to plant more vegetables and raise chickens, we are also going to know more about good food and health practices for our babies!”

Thursday, August 24, 2017

IEC materials: T-shirt: One additional meal during-RLU #3

T-shirt design for our Project FSNFA community members to raise awareness about the importance of additional meal during pregnancy:

The message says:

For you (darling) and our child to be healthy,
you (darling) have to eat enough additional nutritious food every day

IEC materials: Poster: One additional meal during pregnancy-RLU#3

Poster design for our Project FSNFA community members to raise awareness about the importance of additional meal during pregnancy:

The message says:

For you (darling) and our child to be healthy,
you (darling) have to eat enough additional nutritious food every day

IEC materials: Story sack

This story sack is designed so that we can put stuff like Learning Through Play materials including story books for our Children Reflect Circles groups who come to meet and learn while their parents, caregivers are having their own group discussion meeting:

IEC materials: Discount voucher: Water filter

A discount voucher for water filter designed so interested community members can get a water filter for household use with discount price supported by the project.

IEC materials: Polo Shirt: RLU#1-12

T-shirt design with key messages for our Project FSNFA team and community partners as a project identification and awareness about Food security and Nutrition.

The message says:

Improve Food productivity
with adequate nutrition
For family health